
Showing posts from October 23, 2015


Ada   satu pertanyaan yang masuk kedalam pemikiran saya, yaitu "mengapa kita harus minum air putih  banyak-banyak..?" Hmm..., sebenarnya jawabannya cukup "mengerikan" tetapi  karena sebuah pertanyaan jujur harus dijawab dengan jujur, maka topik tersebut bisa dijelaskan sbb:   Bahwa 80% tubuh manusia terdiri dari  air. Malah ada beberapa bagian tubuh kita yang memiliki kadar air di  atas   80%. Dua organ paling penting dengan kadar air di atas 80% adalah Otak dan Darah. !! Otak memiliki komponen air sebanyak 90%, Sementara darah  memiliki Komponen air 95%. Jatah minum manusia normal sedikitnya  adalah 2 liter sehari atau 8 gelas sehari. Jumlah di atas harus  ditambah bila anda seorang perokok. Air  sebanyak itu diperlukan untuk mengganti cairan yang keluar dari tubuh kita  lewat air seni, keringat, pernapasan, dan sekresi. Apa  yang terjadi bila kita mengkonsumsi kurang dari 2 liter sehari...? Tentu tubuh akan  menyeimbangkan diri. Caranya...? D


Introduction The vast majority of DoCS employees, clients and service providers act ethically. However, fraud affects all large organisations. This Fraud Control Plan has been developed to raise awareness of fraud at work. It aims to help staff and other people who deal with DoCS to prevent, detect and report suspected fraud. DoCS does not tolerate or condone fraudulent conduct. In keeping with our Code of Conduct and Ethics all staff need to be aware of their responsibility to foster and develop the highest standards of integrity and promote an ethical workplace culture. Definition of Fraud The NSW Audit Office defines fraud as a deliberate and premeditated act which involves using deception to gain advantage from a position of trust and authority. (Fraud is actually one type of corrupt conduct. Broadly, corrupt conduct is defined as the conduct of any person that could adversely affect the honest and impartial exercise of official functions by a public o